Sunday, December 18, 2016

Song list

0:14 Siman Tov u’Mazal Tov (סימן טוב ומזל טוב) 1:30 Achat Sha’alti (אחת שאלתי, Psalms 27:4) 2:47 Ashrei Mi Shegadel BaTorah (אשרי מי שגדל בתורה, Berachos 17a) 6:09 Ashreichem Talmidei Chachamim (אשריכם תלמידי חכמים, Menachos 18a, Psalms 119:97) 9:04 Ki Hirbeisa (כי הרבית, Shir HaYichud) 12:10 Veshavti Beveis Hashem ('ושבתי בבית ה, Psalms 23:6) Siman tov u’mazal tov U’mazal tov vesiman tov Yehe lanu, ulechol Yisrael A good sign, and good luck And good luck and a good sign Will come to us, and to all Israel Achat sho’alti me’eis Hashem osah avakesh Shivti be’veis Hashem kol ye’mei chayai Lachazois be’noam Hashem ulvakeir be’heicholo One thing have I asked of the L-rd, that will I seek after That I may dwell in the house of the L-rd all the days of my life To behold the graciousn​ess of the L-rd, and to visit early in His temple Ashrei mi shegadel batorah ve'amalo batorah Ve’oseh nachas ruach leyotzro Praised is he who was raised with Torah And toils in the Torah, and gives pleasure to his maker Ashreichem talmidei chachamim Shedivrei torah chavivim aleichem be’yoser Mo ohavti sorasecho kol hayom hi sichosi Torah scholars are fortunate Simply because the words of Torah are so very dear to them Oh, how I love Your Torah, I speak of it all day Ki hirbeiso toivos eloi, toivos eloi, Ki higdalto chasdecho oloi, chasdecho oloi Mo oshib loch vehakol sheloch Lecho shomaim af eretz loch Va’anachnu amcho amcho vetzoinecho Vachafeitzim la’asois retzoinecho Since you have given much of your goodness to me Since you have increased​ your kindness upon me What can I return to you and all is already yours, Since to you is the heavens also the land is yours And we are your nation and your sheep And we desire to do your will Ve’shavti be’veis Hashem, le'orech yomim And I shall dwell in the house of the L-rd forever